Thursday, September 24, 2015

Ask for Help

As a man and as a pastor I continue to benefit from a God-given gift, the glorious gift of being able to Ask for Help. Of course, the words of Jesus in Matthew 7:7-8, initially invite me into this inspiring idea. Jesus said: "Ask... Seek... Knock."

So, I am most encouraged that I can Ask God for Help, but also I am grateful to have the privilege to Ask others for Help. It confounds me how we as humans, specifically those of us who lead, too often prefer to be original than effective. Lord forgive. Lord forbid.

This morning, for example, I sat for an hour or more with a 71-year-old, retired pastor who is now a church health consultant. For the whole time together he poured help and health into my life as a man and as a local church leader. He gave me answers to questions I would have struggled with for a long time to answer on my own. The truth is, without his help today, I may have never found the answers he freely gave.

His years of experience in life and leading was a brilliant, God-given, light shining into my future, giving me hope and assurance that the way forward is filled with not fear, but fulfillment, not just for me but also for the local church I have been entrusted to lead.

Here's the secret to our meeting. After spending three days together as tag-team presenters at a district training event for pastors, my new friend, Dr. Paul, invited me to sit with him this morning. He could tell I was willing to Ask for Help. He knew I was a green apple, ever-growing, and I think that excited him to pour into me one-on-one as much as it encouraged me to be invited into his life.

So, are your struggling today? I've been there and done that. Here's my prescription for Hope: Ask for Help. (1) Ask God and (2) Ask others. It can delightfully refocus your perspective as you journey onward.

Give away your life... Asking for Help.


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