Monday, June 1, 2015

Men's Sunday Evening Gathering (Afterglow Thoughts)

When asked by a friend, unable to attend our Men's Sunday Evening Keepers of the Light Afterglow Gathering last evening, I gave this personal report:

* The Lord helped us.
* About 95 guys.
* Thanks for praying, friend.
* A lot of the men asked if we could meet more often.
* My main thought from The Lord seemed to be:

"In a world growing cold, it's easy for us to wrongly believe that lukewarm is hot." (No one spoke it aloud, just heard it in my head. I believe it was a case of "God be in my head.")

* Yes, God is helping us, especially me.

Give away your life... Love Well!

Click here: God Be in My Head - Jared Anderson - YouTube


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