Thursday, December 18, 2014

"Please Come and Stay"

Morning is here, Lord
And we turn to You.
The Season so Holy
We know that it's true.

Please keep us focused
As distractions abound.
In Your sure embrace
We want to be found.

For friends and strangers
We lift up our prayers.
Too many burdened
With sorrows and cares. 

Yet you came to save us
Born a baby one day.
You came here to die
To take Sin far away.

How can we ever
Thank you enough?
For leaving Your throne
Up in Heaven Above. 

For a fresh glimpse of Hope
We cry out right now.
We're desperate for Light
You will lead us somehow.

We invite You, our King
To please come and stay.
Be with and within us
and don't go away. 


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