Friday, July 24, 2020

Relationships Rule -- The Guaranteed Reunion and The Initial Introduction  

Heaven will be many things but surely it will be guaranteeed reunion. Even on planet earth few events come close to competing with a reunion. Why is that? Relationships rule. Families finding wholeness together again is so very inspirational.

"Relationships Rule" was the original title i gave my first book published by Beacon Hill Press. The editors wanted to change the title and since they were paying to print it, i was ok with it, Nevertheless, "Relationships Rule" is literally written throughout the pages. [The final title was/is: "Relational Leadership."]

i wrote that first book in honor of my Dad, Captain Billy. Dad taught me so much about servant leadership, especially i learned from him this truth: "When relationships rule, there’s little need for rules." And it is the relationship with Dad that i am strongly leaning towards Heaven for. Yes, Dad went to be in the Lord’s Presence on November 17, 2014, and reunion is one real reason i long for forever. "We shall meet [again] on that beautiful shore."

Still, i whispered these words to Jesus in prayer today: "Lord, as much as i desire to see Dad again, i am most thrilled for That Day when i will finally meet You face-to-face for the first time. Yes, one thing that will finally compete with reunion and win, will be rejoicing when my faith-relationship with Jesus becomes visible. Surely, the reality of that initial introduction is the best reason to go to Heaven Someday -- it could be today!

Hope Happens HERE!

Presence Matters Most!

No Invisible People! UNITY!

Pastor Kerry Willis 

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