Thursday, July 30, 2020

"Jesus! Say the Name!"

"Jesus! Say the Name!" 

Jesus is all i want and all i need.

Jesus gave all for me! How can i give less to Him? 

Jesus is the visual expression of The Good Father and His Great Love. 

Jesus loves all people and died so every soul could be saved from sin, death, and Hell. 

Jesus is merciful, making a way for the lost sons and daughters of God to return Home again and for forever. 

Jesus is the sweetest name i know. It’s more than a song. It’s reality. 

Jesus took on our humanness so we could take in His holiness. 

Jesus loves me this i know. Do you know He loves you, too?

Jesus was born as a baby in Bethlehem. He lived thirty-three years and experienced all human emotions, pains, joys, and sorrows. 

Jesus loved everyone He ever encountered while on earth -- those lost in the religion of men and those lost in the rebellion of sin.

Jesus surrendered Himself so He could redeem us from sin, yes, set us free from Satan’s grasp, and even deliver us from our own destructive, self-centered ego.

Jesus became our whipping boy. We did the crime and He did the time. He was nailed to a crossbeam to undo what our rebellion had done to Him and to us and to others.

Jesus overcame death and the grave. We celebrate that every Easter Sunday and every other day of our lives. 

Jesus has been praying for us in Heaven ever since His ascension.

Jesus will return for His Bride, the Church, as soon as His Father gives Him the nod.

Jesus wants you and me to be ready for His soon returning.

"Jesus! Say the Name!"

Hope Happens HERE!

Presence Matters Most!

No Invisible People! UNITY!

Pastor Kerry Willis

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