Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Come Back To Me For Sin's Cure

Come back to Me, you wayward people. I want to cure your waywardness. Say, "Here we are. We come to You because You are the Lord our God."
-- Jeremiah 3:22 (NET)

But if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from all sin.

-- 1 John 1:7 (NLT)

Lord, I give thanks because You not only sent Your Son to forgive me of my sins, yes to wash away my sinful deeds and evil actions, but You also gave Your Son to cure me of my Sin. Yes, by His Blood, Jesus also came to cleanse me of my sinful disposition and egotistical attitude. Let me never forget that Your amazing grace is not only a covering for my sins, but also a power that cures me of Sin. Thanks for being willing to give Your precious life's Blood to cleanse me of what was killing me, Sin. Yes, You in essence became Sin, Who knew no Sin, so I could become Your righteousness. You gave Your wonderful life to cure me of my waywardness. In the Name of Jesus, I accept Your cure and I am forever grateful. Amen.

Click here: Nothing But The Blood - Matt Redman - YouTube

Holiness Unto The LORD!

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