Saturday, August 22, 2009

Christ-Awareness Within Me...

The prayer below powerfully dominates my life these days.

I invite you to pray it along with me:

My God, please produce non-stop Christ-awareness within me.

In every circumstance, I want to live surrendered to Your holy responding, rather than settling for my human reacting.

Let my life be characterized by living in Your undeniable presence, not leaning on my unreliable performance.

I know if I saturate in Your Eternal Life, You will situate my earthly life. Lord, let Your Life be the fragrance of my existence.

As I stand in awe of You, my God, please stand in all of me -- me in Your presence and Your presence in me.

So I repeat...
My God, please produce non-stop Christ-awareness within me.
So be it for Your glory. Amen.
