Thursday, January 30, 2025

Let Us Take Heart as Beloved Ambassadors of Christ.

"Take heart. If we belong exclusively to God, we are the beloved ambassadors of Christ in this world and all of Heaven is waiting to have our backs, to fight for us, to meet our needs, and to come alongside us that the King of Kings might be glorified in and through us." -kww

See 2 Corinthians 5:20.

"Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!"

Pastor Kerry Willis 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

i Am Not a Spiritual Orphan

“I will not leave you comfortless [as orphans]. I will come to you." Jesus' Promise recorded in John 14:18

"Lord, i am not a spiritual orphan in this world. You have not abandoned me or left me alone to figure things out on my own. i am befriended, indwelt, empowered and comforted by Your Blessed Holy Spirit. Surely, i am very grateful, because You are truly Faithful. Amen." -kww 

“Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!”

Pastor Kerry Willis 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Hebrews 12:1 — Greek Rendering 

A contemporary Greek rendering or interpretation of Hebrews 12:1 — “Lay aside the sin and the environment that so comfortably envelops you…” In other words, “Turn away from sinning and remove yourself from a spiritually unprofitable situation.”

“Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!” 

Pastor Kerry Willis 

My Desperate Desire — My Prayer 

“Lord, i desire Your touch, Your truth, and Your timing in my life. i desperately need Your presence, Your purity, and Your plan as my inheritance.” -kww

“Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!”

Pastor Kerry Willis 

Courage to Act 

 (1 Samuel 17:37), David relied on God’s past faithfulness as his source of strength. Armed with a sling, five smooth stones, and unshakable trust, David defeated Goliath with a single shot, securing victory for Israel.

David’s courage wasn’t the absence of fear; it was his determination to act despite it, trusting in God’s power rather than human limitations. His triumph reminds us that challenges, no matter how daunting, are opportunities for God to reveal His strength in our lives. -Brian Dickinson 

"Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!"

Pastor Kerry Willis 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

“Asking for Insight” (And Intimacy)

This is a message i preached on Sunday, January 26, 2025 at Crossroads Church of the Nazarene in Milton, Pennsylvania, USA. 

“Asking for Insight” (And Intimacy.) Ephesians 1:17.)

“Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!”

Pastor Kerry Willis 

Friday, January 24, 2025

“Pleasing in Your Sight!” — My Prayer 

 “Dearest Lord Jesus, i do not want to see my life as succeeding or as failing, but as pleasing in your sight. Amen.” -kww

“Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!”

Pastor Kerry Willis 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Prayer for Insight and Wisdom 

This prayer from a devotional guide became my own:

"Lord, i ask you to give me the insight and wisdom i need for this moment in my life. There is so much I need to know, but i am unable to figure it all out by myself. Today, i ask that the Holy Spirit would take away the veil that has obscured my view. i ask that my eyes be opened to see exactly what i need to know. i ask you to give me a real revelation about my life, my situation, and the truth i need to know right now. i pray this in Jesus name. Amen."

"Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!"

Pastor Kerry Willis 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

“Your Resurrection Lives in Me!”

“Lord, help me to focus on the power of Your Resurrection that lives in me! Amen.” -kww

“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors and gain an overwhelming victory through Him who loved us [so much that He died for us].” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭37‬ ‭AMP‬‬

“Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians‬ ‭3‬:‭20‬-‭21‬ ‭AMP‬‬

“Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!”

Pastor Kerry Willis 

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Our Nighttime Prayer 

As my wife and i were praying together tonight, it seems the Precious Holy Spirit led me in this prayer: 

“Hear us, Jesus. Help us, Jesus. Heal us, Jesus. Amen.” -kww

“Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!”

Pastor Kerry Willis 

Morning Prayer on My Mind 

i awoke this morning with this inspiring prayer strong on my mind… 

“Dearest Almighty Abba Father, remind me that all of Your Promises are Perfect in the Person of The Prince of Peace, Your Beloved Son, my Savior and Lord, Jesus of Nazareth. Let Your Blessed Spirit of Truth totally possess my life, making Your Desires happen in me. Amen.”

“Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!”

Pastor Kerry Willis 

Friday, January 17, 2025

Not a Dissapointment 

My Dad often said, “Jesus is not a disappointment.” Thinking this verse may have inspired his saying:

“…those who hope in Me will not be disappointed.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭49‬:‭23‬ b NIV‬‬

“Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!” 

Pastor Kerry Willis 

Monday, January 13, 2025

“Lord, i Open My Heart Anew…” / A Prayer 

"Lord, i am needy. 

You are the Need Meeter. 

i open my HEART anew to You. 

Refill me with Your strong, sweet Spirit. Amen." 

“Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!”


Saturday, January 11, 2025

Purity is What i Long For 

 "Blessed Holy Spirit, search me, know me, cleanse me. Let the mind of Christ be the undeniable purifying stance of all my thinking at all times and in all things. Amen." -kww #purityiswhatilongfor

“Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!”


Friday, January 10, 2025

My Prayer of Surrender 

“Lord, keep me surrendered and sensitive to Your Precious Spirit of Truth. Cause me to pick up on every nudge given within my heart, mind, soul, and strength. Help me to live out the theme Deo Volente — whatever You desire. Amen.” -kww

"Let Your will be done rather than mine." Mark 14:36b [GW]

“Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!”


Thursday, January 9, 2025

"In The Garden of My Heart"

Today, i called my Mom, Lady Melba, and she beautifully quoted words from this old hymn written by Haldor Lillenas:

1. There’s a sacred and hallowed retreat,

Where my soul finds a fellowship sweet,

Where the Lord of my life I may meet,

In the garden of my heart.


In the cool of the day He walks with me,

In the rose bordered way He talks with me;

In love’s holy union,

And sacred communion,

In the garden of my heart.

2. There is naught can disturb or molest,

There my spirit finds comfort and rest,

And my soul is no longer distressed

In the garden of my heart. [Refrain]

3. Shut away from earth’s strife and its din,

And protected from soul staining sin,

For my Savior is dwelling within,

In the garden of my heart. [Refrain]

4. There the dove of sweet peace always sings,

And my faith ever trustingly clings;

And the chime of sweet happiness rings

In the garden of my heart. [Refrain]

"Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!" 


Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Trusting is Resting

Trusting God's promise means rest.

When we trust God, we don't have to strive to protect and guard ourselves.

We have the best Protector and Guard in God. We can rest in Him, and when we do, it shows we are really trusting in His promise.

"Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!"


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Beware the Empty Cup 

"We need time alone with Jesus. We can’t pour from an empty cup." Grayson Willis #HopeTalks #Podcast

"Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!"


Monday, January 6, 2025

The Shepherd’s Point of View 

This gospel song really ministered to me today…

“Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!”


God’s Prayer Desire for Me

This morning in my quiet time, i sensed the Lord’s desire for my prayer life is “to be found praying every possible moment.” i plan to live up to that desire. i want my life to become a never-ending, intimate, prayer time with my Lord. So help me Blessed Holy Spirit. Amen.

“Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!”

Pastor Kerry Willis 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

A Friend’s Blessing from Madagascar for My New Year

Today, i received a pastor friend’s blessing from Madgascar, Africa: 

"I’m praying God’s best for you in 2025! And that in the darkest of days you’ll see His light shining through, feel His arms around you and know His power is enabling your strength to make it through. He’s a good Father! We can trust Him fully!" -M 

"Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!"


Past The Past 

The goodness of God gets us past that past we couldn’t seem to get past. His grace really is amazing. For Father God so loved us that He gave His Son to get us past the past that left us all alone to a present where His Presence never leaves us and truly sets us free! True! -kww

“Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!” 


i am Desperate For You, God

“Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!” 


Saturday, January 4, 2025

Remember God’s Faithfulness 

Counsel to myself as the New Year begins:

“Remember God’s faithfulness in the past, in the present!” -kww

So i pray: “Holy Spirit, help me to remember God’s faithfulness yesterday… TODAY and day by day!” Amen. 

“Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!”


Thursday, January 2, 2025

Sweet Heavenly Dove

As 2024 gave way to 2025, this sacred song played tenderly in my mind…

“Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!”


“i Am Certain… God Will Coninue His Work…”

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” Philippians‬ ‭1‬:‭6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!”
