My Dad often said, “Jesus is not a disappointment.” Thinking this verse may have inspired his saying:
“…those who hope in Me will not be disappointed.” Isaiah 49:23 b NIV
“Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!”
Pastor Kerry Willis
"Romans Ten Fifteen = How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news." Exclusively God's! Encouraging Others! i am Grateful... Kerry i am.
My Dad often said, “Jesus is not a disappointment.” Thinking this verse may have inspired his saying:
“…those who hope in Me will not be disappointed.” Isaiah 49:23 b NIV
“Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!”
Pastor Kerry Willis
"Lord, i am needy.
You are the Need Meeter.
i open my HEART anew to You.
Refill me with Your strong, sweet Spirit. Amen."
“Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!”
"Blessed Holy Spirit, search me, know me, cleanse me. Let the mind of Christ be the undeniable purifying stance of all my thinking at all times and in all things. Amen." -kww #purityiswhatilongfor
“Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!”
“Lord, keep me surrendered and sensitive to Your Precious Spirit of Truth. Cause me to pick up on every nudge given within my heart, mind, soul, and strength. Help me to live out the theme Deo Volente — whatever You desire. Amen.” -kww
"Let Your will be done rather than mine." Mark 14:36b [GW]
“Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!”
Today, i called my Mom, Lady Melba, and she beautifully quoted words from this old hymn written by Haldor Lillenas:
1. There’s a sacred and hallowed retreat,
Where my soul finds a fellowship sweet,
Where the Lord of my life I may meet,
In the garden of my heart.
In the cool of the day He walks with me,
In the rose bordered way He talks with me;
In love’s holy union,
And sacred communion,
In the garden of my heart.
2. There is naught can disturb or molest,
There my spirit finds comfort and rest,
And my soul is no longer distressed
In the garden of my heart. [Refrain]
3. Shut away from earth’s strife and its din,
And protected from soul staining sin,
For my Savior is dwelling within,
In the garden of my heart. [Refrain]
4. There the dove of sweet peace always sings,
And my faith ever trustingly clings;
And the chime of sweet happiness rings
In the garden of my heart. [Refrain]
"Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!"
Trusting God's promise means rest.
When we trust God, we don't have to strive to protect and guard ourselves.
We have the best Protector and Guard in God. We can rest in Him, and when we do, it shows we are really trusting in His promise.
"Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!"
"We need time alone with Jesus. We can’t pour from an empty cup." Grayson Willis #HopeTalks #Podcast
"Fully Surrendered to God’s Agenda!"