Monday, October 3, 2016

Presence Germany

Today our presence team was really in full saturation mode as we journeyed along the Rhine River alongside our Germany Church in Action brothers and sisters in true life together time. Beautiful places. Blessed faces. ⚓️ Yes...  Pictures say a lot.

(Click images for full-frame.)

Pastors' wives -- Andrea and Kim

German food and fellowship 

The architecture is amazing 

Sausage and Kraut

How much is that Pastor in the window?

Ice cream causes friendship to deepen 

The Rhine 

Selfie with the Presence team

Romantic roads 

Mr. And Mrs. Sipe, also known as Angela and Angela's husband 

Ephesians 6 illustrated 

Castle at twilight 

Together on the Rhine River is special

"...and i wait." Psalm 5:3 GE



Anonymous said...

God bless you all/God keep you safe/God bless many by your presence.
Lifting you in prayer

i am Grateful... Kerry i am. said...

Grateful very.