Thursday, June 11, 2009

Creative Loafing

As this season of summer is underway, don't spend all of your time racing and sweating. Take some time for resting and Sabbathing. I define Sabbathing in two words -- creative loafing.

Lord Jesus, in Your name, I have asked for and received the Promised Gift of the Father, Your Holy Spirit. Now, by Your Spirit, please cause me to know a simultaneous and healthy balance between adoration, occupation, recreation, and restoration. Move false guilt far from my life and let me seek seasons of creative loafing that I may know You and make You known to others. Let Your holy presence, not my human performance, attract others to You. Recreate within my heart, mind, soul, and strength the rhythm of a right relationship with You -- not just for me, but for Your glory and for the good of others. Amen.


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