Monday, April 29, 2019

What Makes it All Worth it?

We have had the Four Winds RV rolling this past weekend, my friends. Even sleep has been minimal. Nevertheless, there has been an undeniable sense of eternal urgency as we have traveled from town to town and from church to church. Why the urgency? I got to preach The Good News of Jesus Christ to dear souls that will spend eternity either with God or without Him. 

Sunday morning at our first church visit four asked for personal prayer for their never-dying souls after the message and Sunday evening at another church visit the altar lined with seekers desiring Holiness -- wanting deeply and desperately The Resurrecting Power of Jesus for their lives. 

But you really want to know what "makes it all worth it?" Last night a five-year-old little daughter told her mother during the response time that she wanted to go upfront and kneel at the altar and ask Jesus into her heart. The Presence of God is amazing, making it even obvious to children, especially obvious to children, that they too are welcome into the everlasting, loving arms of Jesus,

So all of the road weariness associated with our weekend, the lack of sleep, the miles driven, the expenses concurred are well worth it, because these precious souls we have encountered along the Jesus-led journey matter more than anything else to our Lord and to us. 

And His "Presence Matters Most" to seeking souls of all ages. We are so blessed to be carriers of His Presence! 

Pastor Kerry Willis 

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