Friday, June 14, 2024

Beautifully Baffling -- The Loaves & Fishes Paradox  

📖 On those amazing days when Jesus of Nazareth fed thousands -- on both sides of the Sea of Galilee -- with just a few loaves of bread and a few fish, it must have beautifully baffled His disciples to comprehend how their Savior, Who lived at such a near poverty level personal life, could show such a prodigal (yes, such an extravagant) display of hospitality to the hungry people. The One Who refused to miraculously satisfy His own hunger on more than one occasion, multiplied the loaves and fishes for others. Such a tender, yet mind-twisting paradox. Beautifully baffling, indeed. [Matthew 14, Matthew 15]]

P.S. And on The Cross, He saved others, but not Himself.

"Ears Wide Open… Listening…"

Pastor Kerry Willis 

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