Wednesday, February 21, 2024

A New Prayer -- Repost from 2018 

A New Prayer

Today, Lord, i pray a new prayer. You deserve a new word from me and i need a new word from you.

So i pray, today...

Though things change, Lord, You do not. 

Forever and today You have been and are and will be Holy God, my Holy God. 

i need Your strength, compassion, grace, mercy, love, power and purity. i long for Your presence and Your peace every moment of my existence. The thought of ever be separated from You is my greatest fear, nevertheless, in those scarey moments You always whisper to my worried soul: "I Am with you always to the very end of the age. I will not leave you orphaned. I will come to you." Thank you, Jesus.

Some days loneliness refuses to leave me alone. i can easily feel forgotten by friends. It’s about me, not about them. And of course, then there’s the enemy who wants me to believe lies, but i refuse to listen to his shrill voice of damnation. i choose the inspiration of Your Holy Spirit to be my counsel and to be my comfort. 

Thanks Lord, for slowly but surely delivering me from the dilemma of always wanting everyone to know and understand my heart. i am becoming more and more content just knowing You alone really know and understand me completely and that means You are my God and people are not. 

Finally, Jesus, i long to be an extension of Your encouragement to others. i want to be in such oneness with You, that i confidently and compassionately show others Who You are simply by Your countenance aglow in and from my life. Let my face give away undeniable proof that i have been with You and that You are within me. 

Yes, You have saved me and sanctified me, so i want to be nothing less, nothing more, and nothing else other than a sanctuary of Your purifying and permeating presence. Attract lost souls to Yourself through my life and lifetime. Let Your glory take over my story. 

Receive my new prayer this day, Dearest Jesus. Until Your Holy face, my eyes embrace, i cry out nonstop: "Maranatha! Lord Jesus Come! Amen!"

"Ears Wide Open… Listening…"

Pastor Kerry Willis 

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