Sunday, December 3, 2017

Waterfowl Weekend 2017 — Sunday

My early December tradition continued today— 30-something years in a row — as I spoke to the Boy Scouts at 7:15 AM and then at 8 AM, was able to preach and share at the community worship service at the Core Sound Waterfowl & Heritage Museum on my native Harkers Island. As always, it was a tender two hours of engagement in the ministry of presence. What joy for my heart to see unity across generations and theologies and cultures. To lift up Jesus in that environment is as good as it gets. I am humbled and grateful.

Here are a few photos. I should have taken more but I was lost and wonder, love, and praise. 

The end of the road, Harkers Island overlooking Core Sound. 

Decoy by Mike Hargraves coming in for a landing at the museum showroom. 

Boat Christmas Parade — Flotilla, Beaufort NC Waterfront Saturday night ... “Be Light! Go Shine!” 

“Worship Only God!” Rev. 22:9 NLT


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