Friday, November 25, 2016

Singing Hearts

How long has been since my heart and your heart sang out in uncontainable praise to The Lord? Too often, I fear, we forget to lift our hearts in song to the Lord especially when life seems hard. Yet, He is worthy and we must not miss any more opportunities. 

Psalm 96:2, issues this command: "Sing to the Lord; praise His Name! Proclaim His salvation day after day."

Occasionally, my heart is lifted when I hear someone else say things like: "Jesus makes my heart sing!" 

While at my brother's home in Tennessee for Thanksgiving Day, at sunset the heavenlies just seemed to be celebrating in synchronization with my own soul. 

Funny thing is, this reality didn't register until the morning after, yes this morning. I am grateful for the invitation to join in with other singing hearts. Jesus makes my heart sing!

(Click image for sunset sky, a heavenly celebration synchronization for me.)

"..and i wait." Psalm 5:3 GW



Lea Valentine said...

Are you saying this? That when our hearts sing not only is heaven's rejoicing enlarged in a sense, but we also accept the invitation to join the heavenly song? We enlarge the singing, and the song enlarges us as the kingdom of God pulses through our veins.

Thank you for leading me into such blessed thoughts.

Lea Valentine said...

Are you saying this? That when our hearts sing not only is heaven's rejoicing enlarged in a sense, but we also accept the invitation to join the heavenly song? We enlarge the singing, and the song enlarges us as the kingdom of God pulses through our veins.

Thank you for leading me into such blessed thoughts.

Lea Valentine said...

I guess the Lord thought it was worth repeating...

i am Grateful... Kerry i am. said...

I'd say "YES". Good commentary Bonnie. Thanks for enhancing my initial thoughts. All Joy. pk