If there are maybe two or three people on my friend-list who are curious about what’s on my mind as a district servant on the day before our district "super bowl" -- our yearly district assembly, here it is:
i am sitting at the table in our RV with heavy but holy tears in my eyes wishing my Dad, Capt. Billy, was still alive so i could introduce him to our district family. The many sacrifices Dad made for me and the Jesus-like love Dad had for me, helped to make me who i am and to get me where i am right now. His spiritual and relational impact upon my life is beyond mere human explanation.
At the same time, i am totally overwhelmed with great gratitude that my Mom, Lady Melba, is still around and is surely fervently praying for me and for all of us (in our humble family home in coastal North Carolina) as this weekend is about to begin.
Thanks for listening and for praying. Anticipation for the Presence of our Lord among us and within us as we gather together in His Name as a family of faith, hope, and love is off the charts. #vulnerable #gratitude #debtor
With gladness,
Pastor Kerry Willis